Doctor's notes

I will share information and useful sources of knowledge with you here
useful sources of knowledge about our health
Author: Anna Klimashevskaya
"A healthy body has a healthy spirit!"
Modern man (look, people used the exact wording three hundred years ago...) has to do everything quickly. All innovations seem to have one underlying goal - "now, everything, right away and fast!"

Somewhere deep inside, we understand that everything, our ALL, will be over very soon, and it is probably not worth rushing somewhere, but despite this, the thirst for speed eclipses the voice of reason completely!....
Even children (not without our help, of course) need to keep up and keep up, to keep up with the times.
On the one hand, everything is clear, we explain it to ourselves and them, growing up, in short - "the time is like that!"...

And what is this, our time?!...
Where and why are we in such a hurry, and why do we want to catch up and overtake without thinking of the consequences?....
I found it quite tricky when I first joined the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. Despite my previous clinical experience....


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